Thursday, September 11, 2008


Okay, that's two nights I haven't managed to drag myself out of bed to go walking. I'm not giving up, but I may need to re-think this a bit.

The fact is, I haven't committed to doing any kind of marathon, so I don't really feel bound to doing the kind of conditioning program needed to gear up for that kind of goal. I *am* committed to doing the AIDs Walk on the 27th, but that's not a race, and it's not all that long. I mainly want to be in somewhat better shape for that than I was for the Pride Parade this year (so I don't end up hurting afterwards quite so bad), but I'm not all that concerned about "being ready" per se. So it's been fairly easy to blow this off, saying "at least I'm getting more exercise than I was before."

Regarding the AIDs Walk - I realized that this is actually a good test for me regarding whether I want to join up with Train To End Stroke. Because, if I can't raise $300 (the goal I set for myself) for AIDs, I'm not going to be able to raise $2100 for Stroke - not and have it not totally take over my life. Which I'm not willing to do. So, we'll see how this goes. (So far, nobody's donated at I'm not terribly optimistic.)

That doesn't mean I may not pick a marathon to train for anyway (and just pay the fees and do it myself). But that will be it's own decision, after I make up my mind about TTES. One issue at a time. :) (Then again....maybe I should look at some smaller races coming up sooner, and make little goals...more to ponder.)

Meanwhile, I'm realizing that while walking is good cardio, I need something else for toning, etc. I am *totally* getting an exercise ball with my next paycheck. Ab work is something I can do off by myself anytime (particularly in the morning when I get home from work while 'Yote's catching up on e-mail and LJ). Same with any other kind of basic toning exercise actually - I should probably get a couple of hand weights too, and make a basic program for myself. I've put my own system together at the gym, no reason I can't do the same thing at home. (Which reminds me yet again that I need to cancel the gym membership - no reason to keep paying for something I'm not using.) That and I need to put my head together with Kitminx and make some concrete decisions about when to start dancing with Layla_Aaron - we've been sitting on that way too long. (I'm thinking maybe Saturdays? Even if it's not every week? Maybe even starting *this* Saturday since we don't have anything else pressing? We'll talk...)

Things to think about and ponder. NOT giving up on the walking - frankly it's good meditation/thinking time for me. But I'm finding that sleep comes first, and if I'm not in bed by 1:00 PM, it's just not going to happen (because if know I'm not going to get 8 hours, I end up arguing with myself over what's more important - sleep or exercise - and if I'm tired, sleep is going to win by default).

Meanwhile, in every other area I'm on track. Eating is going well - staying on plan and recording everything in fitday. I've been getting in my 8 glasses of water every night at work (so what I drink at home is just bonus...also means I don't need to drink a lot right before going to bed, which helps on the sleep front since I'm not getting up every 30 minutes). Suppliments are solid (though we've been consistent with those ever since 'Yote and I moved in together, so that wasn't a concern really). I've been starting my day with half a cup of coffee just to make sure I'm getting some caffeine to stave off any caffeine-withdrawl headaches (because when I'm drinking this much water, I don't drink soda) - so far so good.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with how things are going. I just need to figure out how to make the exercise piece fit with everything else. Which may take some maneuvering, but I'll figure it out.

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