Wednesday, April 29, 2009


On Friday, May 1, 2009 - I will weigh myself, and begin again.

Enough wallowing and self-flaggelation.
So I couldn't manage more than 2 whole weeks on Weight Watchers.
Fact is, I've got the tools (and I couldn't afford to keep paying their fees anyway).

Put on your big-girl panties and get over yourself, Euphrates.

If Crystal can do this, you fucking better believe you can, too.
Dammit. *footstomp*

Common sense, I guess.

Cut out sugary pop at work (and stay away from the vending machine).
Lots of salads and veggies.
Pay attention to portions (particularly when eating things like pasta).
Choose whole grains over "white carbs"
Drink tons of water.
EXERCISE! Get out walking, if nothing else.