Saturday, September 6, 2008

Not bad for the first week!

  • So I went out and walked 20 minutes Wednesday night. I just figured mapquested my route, and figured out it was just about a mile, so go me!
  • I'm counting the walk to take rent to the office on Friday morning as a work out (it's honest to gods uphill both ways, ask 'Yote). It involved getting off the bus at an earlier stop, walking up the hill to the office, walking down to the street and then uphill to home, and took me about 30 minutes to do (with a backpack on my back). It was work. I'm counting it.
  • And, I just got back from walking 1.4 miles: from home to 2800 Queen City Avenue 0.2 miles (5 minutes walking easy – warm up)
    to the corner of Queen City and Ferguson (where I stopped on Wednesday) 0.5 miles
    to the corner of Ferguson and Woodbridge 0.7 miles. And back. 2800 Queen City is where the hill evens out and the road gets flat, so I used the hill as warm up, then sped up and walked hard to the corner of Ferguson and Woodbridge, and back to 2800 Queen City, and then slowed down and used the downhill as my cool down. Which means 1 mile of hard walking. SWEET!

According to the 8 week conditioning schedule, tomorrow is an "off" day. Though I may just explore the options on cable - I discovered the other day I can get various exercise shows On Demand, so I'm considering getting up early ('cause I can't exercise in front of people...I'm funny like that...I find it embarrassing) and checking out some pilates or something. I intend on investing in a birth ball (okay, okay - you call it an exercise ball or a physical therapy ball, to Euphrates the Doula, it's a birth ball) in the very near future, because when I was going to the gym that was the best abs work out I found that didn't hurt my lower back. And I can do *that* every day.

For the record, I haven't been writing it down but I've managed to get down 8 glasses (8oz) of water in at work every night this week, so any water I drink at home is gravy (so to speak). I've gotten pretty close to that today already (weekends are always the challenge because the routine is thrown off). AND, we've continued to take our suppliments like always.

All in all, I'm extremely pleased with how this first week has gone. Tomorrow night when I get up for work, I'll do my first "weigh in" - I generally weigh myself once a week (never EVER more often than that, or I start obsessing), first thing in the day after I've gotten a full night's sleep - same time, same day every week. I know it's more important how I feel and how my clothes fit, but I'm the kind of person that needs "benchmarks", so I tend to check the scale to assess my progress in some kind of measurable way (the others are subjective...valid, but still subjective).

Okay - off to shower and then see if I can't recruit 'Yote for some exercise of a totally *different* sort...*grin* (Assuming Kitminx and I didn't *totally* break him last night - but hey, it inspired him into wordcount, so we're just doing our part for the cause, right?) ;)

1 comment:

melissa said...

not a bad first week at all :D

and i call mine a 'yoga ball' since that is what the box said. ;P i actually found it @ kmart for about 11$ and was pretty impressed that i didn't pop the sucker when i sat, then bounced, on it!

anyway, keep up the kick-butt-good-work!!