Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day Two (which is really day one)

Well, didn't start walking yet because I pretty much slept through yesterday. But gods, I'd had so much junk during the day hanging out with everybody, and waiting for Kate's son Patrick to have dinner ready, and we ate so late on Sunday, my stomach was NOT happy with me, and I didn't eat anything at all in 24 hours. Drank a whole 33.8 oz of water (which I consider 4 8oz glasses) at work, though, which is good. Almost weighed myself when I got up today out of curiosity (not having eaten), but I decided I'd better stick with what I weighed myself at on Sunday when I woke up as my "starting weight", and I know better than to weigh myself more than once a week. Crazy making, it is.

So for those curious, I'm basically doing low carb, as I've done before. Of course, I haven't gone looking for my books to get as specific as I could. I'm not worrying about "induction" (that 2 weeks where you're really restricted), and I'm not worrying about quitting caffeine - I don't drink that much caffeine anyway and I D O N O T W A N T the withdrawl migraine in 3 days. Nope. Not going through that hell again. I intentionally drank a cherry zero when I got up, just to make sure I had some, because when I'm in the zone I just want water anyway, and I don't want to risk it. I *know* I don't need it (even working 3rd shift I don't *need* it to stay awake), and I'll probably wean myself off it slowly anyway, but the key word there is *slowly*. I will not willingly risk a migraine if I can help it.

I'm going to use fitday assiduously for now, specifically logging what food I eat. I've found before if I keep running track of what I'm eating, I pay better attention. And I love fitday because it shows you the nutritional value of what you've eaten so far, including calories, carbs, protein, etc. And I can add "custom foods" they don't have in their database, entering in the correct nutritional amounts from the label. It's a spiffy little tool.

I'm starting a new blog specifically for this, here on blogspot. I'll make a feed for anyone who wants to watch it on LJ, but I'm not going to talk a lot about it on LJ. Not sure why I want to keep it separate, but I do. And Sandi is on blogspot, and I know she wants to support each other in this, so that works well. I'll likely copy back and forth on the journal for fitday (or maybe I'll just journal here and skip that part over there).

So there it is - here we go!


melissa said...

YAY for being healthy - in all ways!!
i just started a new acct over here myself, as i started a book called 'the artist's way' on sunday and wanted to track updates without flooding lj...which i haven't been on nearly enough lately.
one of the items in the contract with myself is to be more aware of my body and take care of it, so i might have to snag some of your ideas. if'n you don't mind. ;)
oh...and feel free to pop over to my place, too.

BrownSugar said...

I love FitDay! I've been using it for almost 7 years now. WOW! Good luck with getting healthy lady.