Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Back in the Saddle...

So I had a bit of a tumble off the wagon this weekend.
We had company from out of town, and ended up eating out 3 times, and we rarely eat out at all these days. I could have made better choices.
First time, I had a "goetta and cheese omelette"...and goetta has barley in it. And I ate the toast, which I should have skipped.
Next day I didn't take my chicken philly hoagie off the bread. And I ate the chips that came with it.
NEXT day I didn't take my "Tommy" (roast beef samwich from Izzy's) off the bread, and I ate the potato cake (like I could have POSSIBLY resisted).
Oh, and can't forget the Chinese food we treated ourselves with Sunday night (having discovered that car dealerships aren't open on Sundays in the car buying was a total fail, but we DID make it up to the Hustler Store in Butler County, which was TOTAL win). Chinese food = lo mein in my world. No exceptions. Plus crab rangoon. Yes, it's a rule. Yes, Chinese food is my major weakness, and the *primary* temptation/thing I miss when I'm low-carbing. Since I'd already fallen, figured I should indulge while the opportunity was there. And OH MY it was yummy. :)
Of course, we hadn't made any salad since we didn't cook at home, so I had nothing to bring in to work. Enter vending machine hell. *headdesk*
Two days running. *headdesk again*
Then this morning, I was lonely ('Yote wasn't feeling well and went to bed early) and depressed. Bowl of ice cream with Nutella heated up and drizzled on top. Yeah, THAT was productive.

Got up tonight, and braved the scale. Only 1 lb up from the 233 I'd been at the last time I weighed myself. Not NEARLY the disaster I expected. I can handle that.

So, I'm back on the wagon (no salad to bring tonight still, but I brought my slimfast, and I intend to stay AWAY from the vending machines of DOOM).
Stubbed my toe, but I can pick myself up from this. I CAN do this.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Outback on Saturday was WONDERFULLY yummy.
But, I caved and had some of the bloomin' onion.
Now, I didn't eat a LOT of it. With three of us nibbling, we still brought half the thing home (and 'Yote only conquered it last night). But it *was* breaded. And fried (not that that's a big deal doing low carb). I also had the tilapia (yummy) with crab meat stuffing (? didn't SEE anything that looked like bread crumbs or carby stuff) and crab meat flakes, and grilled asparagus (OMG the yum!). And a huge salad.

Basically, I over-ate. And I ate the first non-veggie carbs I've had since September.
And the next day, I was HUNGRY. I kept grazing through the fridge - not eating anything "offplan", but definitely eating more than I usually do in a day.

So, since I'd had no sleep, I waited and did my weigh in tonight when I got up for work (after sleeping a good 13 hours, minus a little break in the middle - thanks Beloved *grin*).

Up 3 pounds.

Note - not screaming, not crying, not shaking my fist at the sky or beating myself up. Particularly since I'm feeling a little bloated, so I'm suspecting too much salt intake which results in water retention.

But still.

Hopefully by next weekend it will look better (but we have company coming for the weekend, so it may be a challenge - need to watch what I'm doing and write everything down, methinks).

Back to putting one foot in front of the other.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


I didn't weigh in on the first, since Sunday (my usual official weigh in day) was the I waited until I got up today.

230 lbs baby! *does happy dance*

I didn't think I'd get down to that by the end of the month, considering how long I was stalled out. :) And no, I didn't do anything special to make it happen - no starvation, no silly tricks. Although there *was* one day I wasn't feeling all that well and didn't eat much (but that happened to all three of us, we apparently had some minor bug that lasted 2 days, nothing horrible, just mostly a tummy ache).

So YAY! That's 18 lbs down since September 1st.