Monday, October 20, 2008

Why I'm not counting tonight's "weigh in"

I was dubious when I stepped on the scale...
  • My sleep schedule has been totally fubar'd all weekend, starting with a 27 hour day from Thursday night into Friday night, then being up all day getting ready for the Witches Ball on Saturday, and not getting to sleep until at least 4-5am Sunday morning, and then getting up at 1:30 PM...not really my normal time to weigh myself anyway.
  • Food has been just as fubar'd - not that I've eaten bad things per se, just...well, Friday night we went to the LCF Meet Up at Golden Corral (yes Virginia, 'Yote went to a buffet), and I ate a huge salad and then ate much more than I usually do - nothing outside of what I could eat, but definitely bigger portions. And went right to bed once we got home after eating. Then on Saturday before the Ball (because we were too busy and didn't feel like cooking) we ordered LaRosa's for the first time since I started this low carb journey - I got a chicken hoagy which I took off the bun, and I also ate the top off a couple of pieces of pizza. Not bad, just not my normal stuff. And THEN of course, there was the booze at the ball. Not all that much (one long island and one soco & coke), but booze has carbs. And THEN we went to the Anchor Grill afterwards to hang out with Sabre, his cousin Tim, and eventually Bonnie and Cheryl. I ate my ribeye sandwich without the bun, but still - it was food at an unusual time, and that meant I had more "big meals" than I usually do in a day. So, it's been odd.
  • Because of the weird schedule and eating, I didn't get in NEARLY enough water this weekend. Not remotely what I needed. When I look at my lady after a cup of coffee and say..."Uh oh...okay, I need to drink a bunch of water, because THAT just hit me..." I could practically feel my cells shriveling. It was kinda creepy, actually.

That being said, the scale said 237 lbs again. Which by rights should mean I've definitely stalled out, and I keep bouncing the same half pound up and down. Which would be frustrating and discouraging.

But I don't believe it.

Wanna know why?

When I went to shake up my slimfast at lunchtime tonight (I eat a salad, 2 mozerella sticks and a slimfast every night at work - makes work-meals REALLY easy) ring nearly slid off my finger. This is the ring 'Yote gave me last year on the Canton trip (when we went to see Ellery play, and met up with Sade). It was too big for my ring finger, but fit my middle finger perfectly. I've NEVER had that ring move if I didn't intentionally move it. It's never been tight, but it fit.'s loose.

So SOMETHING is going on. Today I've eaten more normally, and I've drunk nearly twice my normal water (by this time of the night anyway). So, I'm going to weigh myself again after a full day's sleep (because I KNOW it throws things off when my sleep schedule has been wonky)...and we'll see if there's a difference.

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