Friday, October 10, 2008

Reminders to Self...

  • Log your food. Every day. Even if it's complicated (like when you've tried a new recipe that isn't in fitday yet and have to do the whole calculating thing). It helps you keep track and keeps you honest. So don't forget and don't put it off.
  • The Zucchini Lasagna is more carby than you give it credit for. It's less than it would be with noodles, but it's still going to put you over on your intended daily carb count if you eat too much of it. Proof? You are *craving* it now. Don't cave - keep it for special occasions or when you are going to eat a lot earlier than you are going to bed. It is NOT an appropriate snack. Also, try to keep yourself to half a regular sized piece. Two pieces (like you had on Sunday when you made it) is a baaaaaaaaaaad idea. See previous comment about craving.
  • Okay, you bought the exercise ball. Now USE it.
  • D O N O T T O U C H T H E S C A L E M I D W E E K !!!!! You know better than that. *headdesk*
  • Did I mention USE the damn exercise ball? I did? Good - now go do it!
  • Oh - and take a minute to think about what you are making the next day or so before you go to work, and take the meat out of the freezer. Doh!


Kasumi said...

(1) Yes. Log everything for at least your first couple months. Once you've logged *everything* for a couple months, you can log less, but it's still good to do.
(2) The scale: I usually let myself weigh-in on Wednesday as well as Fri/Sat (whichever I get on the scale), but I make a point of remembering that it doesn't count.
(3) I try to come up with a menu for the week without getting into any neurotic "on Tuesday, we will have..." nonsense. So I know what I need to buy or thaw ahead of time.
(4) Yeah, and I need to go back to karate now that my knee is no longer achy and my cold is better.

Euphrates said...

When it comes to menus, I make my grocery list every 2 weeks and plan for a certain # of meals and buy everything for those, and then play each day by ear (though I tend to think about it a day or so in advance). I just totally spazzed getting anything out of the freezer the day I wrote that, so we ended up with chicken two days in a row, and I try to avoid that.